Really liked it, but I couldn't understand what you were saying properly at times. It sounded like you were talking extremely close to the mic
Everything else was excellent including the joke
Really liked it, but I couldn't understand what you were saying properly at times. It sounded like you were talking extremely close to the mic
Everything else was excellent including the joke
Beautiful, the animation was good, I enjoyed the voices, and the message was excuted very well. It's very true that often there is the same boring generic and untalented (RWJ) stuff on youtube. I really liked the idea of making a commercial for Newgrounds and this was a good one
I just find the amount of quality work that goes into most animations is incredible compared to the average YouTube video. Thanks for the review! Glad you liked it!
I feel this character isn't very funny or least he isn't anymore. His first apparence or when I first saw him he made me laugh a little but now it's just annoying. I understand that a majority of your fans really like this character and thats why you made this animation but all he really does is make bad jokes and has an indian accent and is just as unfunny as pewdiepie. The animation was still good though and I truly do love your art style. I recommend not doing much Supercodplayer stuff for a while
WOW! Amazing animation, it was so fluent and looked really good. Pactrick looked exactly like in the cartoon (older version) and Mario looked good as well. Good job cuting the voices out of the episode and putting them together. Animation was the best part still
Maybe I shouldn't be wacthing this so late...
I loved this! It was amazing and this deserves to be more popular!
Pretty good, not as funny as your previous ones but the animation and art were still great :)
Pretty good, I haven't seen the previous episodes so I don't understand the story but in terms of animation it's good
kinda short but it was freakin hilarious
Event though I don't despise Pewdiepie (mainly because he started a gaming channel originally while others did it after being famous) this was pretty funny especially the script part which can be true at times. Another great video from SpeedoSausage!
Joined on 9/4/12